Women and Finance

From career-woman to wife/partner, and from caring mom to single-motherhood, separation and divorce – women go through more transitions during a lifetime than most of us realize. And through it all, women often juggle several balls simultaneously, doing the best they can, while often hoping for the best. However, LIFE HAPPENS, and that’s why we’re here to help women navigate through all of those transitions safely and securely.


Why Transition Planning and Support Is Important

Women are often considered the more “resilient” of the sexes – and for good reason. But with so many different hats to wear – some of them simultaneously – there’s always the risk that you might make some missteps.

Whether it’s the challenge of starting a family, managing a career, paying for that new home, funding your child’s education, dealing with separation or divorce, or acting as caregiver to an aging parent – you need help as you transition through all of those roles. And that’s exactly what our caring, experienced and qualified professionals are here to provide you.


What We Can Do for You

Our team of Certified Financial Planners, financial advisors, and insurance professionals understands the unique needs that women face when navigating the financial landscape. Having assisted hundreds of women facing financial decisions, our professionals are approachable and make sure to thoroughly explain financial topics with patience and care.

Here’s a preview of what our Women in Transition planning and support service covers:

  • Our experience, backed by statistical evidence, shows us that most women aren’t as engaged in the family finances as they could be. So, when the disability or sudden death of a spouse leaves women facing an unplanned transition into the role of family Chief Financial Officer (CFO) – most are ill prepared! Our trained and certified professionals will help you through these uncertain times.

  • Women facing separation or divorce often face a crisis of identity, that’s compounded by the fact that they feel overwhelmed by the financial implications of this stage of their lives. Transitioning from married to single-again often results in financial challenges (some rather acrimonious!) that most women find stressful. Without the right professional advice, uninformed decisions can be made that could leave you and your dependent family members (children or wards) at a huge disadvantage for the rest of your lives.

  • Women in transition have a whole set of financial challenges and needs that are unique only to women. But you don’t have to go it alone. From making investment decisions, to dealing with divorce and separation mediation, arbitration or litigation, to planning for life after widowhood, divorce or separation, to assuring a secure retirement on your own terms – our experienced team of women advisors are here to help!

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Download "A Woman's Guide to Retirement Planning” Ebook

Retiring comfortably is a realistic, attainable goal we strive to help all our clients achieve with comprehensive and thoughtful planning. But whether you’re a career woman, wife, mother, divorcee, or widow, women of all circumstances will face unique, additional obstacles on their way to and during retirement. To strengthen your foundation of knowledge, check out our eBook, “A Woman's Guide to Retirement Planning,” so you can start taking charge of your financial future. Complete the form below and download our guide for a list of clear-cut steps to prepare for the future you want.
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